Dear Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Friends of the I&CE Program, As we begin the new academic year--a year that feels more familiar, but not fully back to "normal"--I hope that this newsletter finds you and your families well and healthy. After 18 months of full-disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to be nearly 100% back in-person for classes and campus activities! At the start of the semester, we welcomed 90 new students from 16 different countries! Over 60% of our students are international--something we should celebrate and not take for granted given the effects of the pandemic. Although we just welcomed our newest cohort, we are already diligently recruiting the next group of students into our family. The Fall 2022 applications are live. I hope that each of you will share our program information with your colleagues and students. To help us begin to curate alumni profiles and updates for the newsletter and more, we ask that you please take this short survey that asks you to update your contact information and share your interests, and some good news to share with the community. Finally, I hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter. It is full of exciting information and many reasons to be proud. For more regular updates about I&CE between issues of the newsletter, please follow us on Twitter at @TC_ICeducation. Oren Pizmony-Levy Program Director